The Future is Ours

The promise is true This is your life This is your world Beginning to end This is the price of heaven, our hope This is the time This is your life. “This is Your Life” The Call Join the Love Revolution.

By any means necessary

We walk, run, crawl, sprint toward the Civilization of Love. It is always more fully ahead. Our understanding of it, and our ability to manifest it grows every day. It animates our hearts, lives, and now our collective lives. There is no turning back. Join the Love...


“Enough! Enough, brothers, enough! … Every human being, whether Christian, Jew or Muslim, of whatever people or religion, every human being is sacred, is precious in the eyes of God and has the right to live in peace.”Pope Francis

What will you say?

What will you be able to say when the grandkids ask “Grandma, Grandpa, what did you do when the Civilization of Love was being born?” You don’t want to have to tell them that you missed out. Join the Love Revolution.


Deep spirituality is fuel for the fire of renewal; moving us to make the sacrifices needed, for without those sacrifices there is no movement. Secular arguments are not compelling or resilient enough to defeat the lies and the corrupt system, or build the Civilization...