
The “thoughts and prayers” response to disaster is better than “I could care less.” But we could use less of “thoughts and prayers” and more of “hearts and hands.” Join the Love revolution.

Tribal Aggression

Humanity has never rejected tribalism, and is currently caught up in the frenzy of tribal aggression: the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Middle East, the countless conflicts and military, jihadist, and mercenary actions in Africa, the ripping apart of America. These...

Power of Love

The Love Revolution Movement is about taking love beyond sentimental emotion, poetic sentiment, and even personal relationship; into the world of action, both at the local level and towards the transformation of the entire human culture and every institution on our...

True Antidote

The Love Revolution Movement is the only true antidote to the endless manifestations of the vicious cycle of fear, anger, hate, division, greed, and war that humanity is embroiled in.

Towards Love

We are altering the trajectory of life on this planet, and our species towards love. Nothing less. You’re not alone. Join the Love revolution.