What really Matters?

“In the end it will not matter what you did. It will matter even less how well you did it. In the end it will matter who you did it for.” Tony Bellizzi Join the Love Revolution.

Sick Systems

A society governed solely by market freedom, efficiency, and benefit for the powerful ahead of all else, will never have real solidarity or fraternity. Neither will authoritarian, communist, or theocracy-ruled systems. These systems are deeply entrenched and will not...

Slipping Away

You only want the best for those you love; but don’t you feel goodness is slipping away and we have to do something now to reverse the tide before it gets even worse? Join the Love Revolution.

Driving you mad

Morpheus in the Matrix “you’ve felt it your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.” It’s the systematic enslavement of humanity by systems and...

Nothing more Urgent

Victor Hugo said: “The task is urgent, the task is difficult, the time is now.” Nothing could be more urgent at this time than a course correction for our species. It is not going to just happen by itself. It will take a massive effort; but it can be done. It’s called...